You need more than preliminary career advice, but would like someone to hold your hands in each of your steps to ensure the plan can be carried out and implemented. This is a more customized and personalized service based on the career planning/transition plan but can help to accelerate your career progression.
You are lost, either a long career gap or stuck in your current position. You are considering to change industry/job function/major or location, but you do need professional guidance and suggestion to have a full picture before you make the critical decision
Package includes
1.5-hour initial consultation with four 15 mins consultation as follow up, totaling 2.5 hours ($1250)
1 Email sample per your request($200)
2-3 Practical Career Options($500)
Action items after each discussion($700)
Personal branding($800)
Email support for 1 year starting from the purchase date
Career Planning/Transition
Refund will be issued for unused services within 7 days of intial consultation.